Dependency Links
- American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law is a program that aims to improve children’s lives through advances in law, justice, knowledge, practice, and public policy.
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts is an interdisciplinary and international association of professionals dedicated to the resolution of family conflict.
- Florida Department of Children and Families is a partner in the child welfare system. The Child Welfare Program conducts, supervises, and administers programs for dependent children and their families.
- Florida Department of Juvenile Justice contains information about children involved in delinquency matters.
- Florida Department of Revenue contains information regarding child support.
- Florida Guardian ad Litem is a partnership of community advocates and professional staff who provide a voice on behalf of children involved in the dependency court process.
- National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges works with judges, jurisdictions, and communities nationwide through training and technical assistance.
- National Center for State Courts provides information on child abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, child protective services, foster care, court-appointed special advocates, open hearings, model courts, and more.
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Administration for Children and Families is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities.
Data Links
- Child Welfare Gateway is a comprehensive data set of child welfare information.
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention contains the Toolkit for Court Performance Measures in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases.
- DCF Dashboard has child protection and permanency measures.
- Fostering Court Improvement has data tables created from AFCARS and NCANDS submissions. Data is comparable across counties and circuits.
Last Modified: February 12, 2024